Chemical Processing Facility | Triangle Pump Components


Whether refining fats, oils, and proteins or recovering gelatin, and biofuels, reciprocating pump valves are vital components within the food processing industry, helping to efficiently move ingredients along pipelines between vats.

Depending on the end product, valves must meet various application-specific requirements. During bleaching and de-acidification, for example, pump valves must have strong chemical resistance. Other pumps may need to be able to handle a wide range of liquid viscosities — from milk, fruit juice, and vegetable oil to thicker fluids like pig fat and lard.

Designed to withstand the rigorous conditions of food processing operations, our reciprocating pump valve components include:

Designed to withstand the rigorous conditions of food processing operations, our reciprocating pump valve components include:

To learn more about our diverse selection of food processing industry pump valves, plungers, and components